The class start and the lecturer was quite intersting..tell alots of joke, make all the ppl in the class not that tense anymore..after some introduction abt the Uni and Australia..its the ice breaking time..their way to break the ice is difrent from msia..not those classic way, they give us each ppl a paper and you need to fill the the blank...question are like "The person who got blue eye; the person who got younger brother...etc etc" so u need to walk around and communicate with your classmate...and fill in their name, its a good idea n i like it. Speaking with poeple come from all around the world was quite exciting..hong kong, korea, india, china and many many more...but most of the student come from hong kong and im the malaysia's dai biao cuz im the oni malaysian in there. Everyone was friendly and i get to knw some new friend today.
After the orientation finish..i dropby in the supermarket to buy some food to eat..the raw 1 not those food already cooked..this is the 1st time i buy those meat n vegetable so reli bu guan..when i reach the section tat sell meat..i just say " Hi i wan some chicken meat" when the guy ask me which part..i duno how 2 i just reply which part is the most popular 1..give me tat part..he is speachless and i saw many question mark on the top of his head. For the vegetable..i don't reli knw why those ppl need to choose lai choose when im taking some potato..i just wanna act pro so keep take it up and put it pandai see good or the end i just cincai take some of the vege n potato..lazy to wait for the bus so i walk back home carrying those vegetable and meat. of an aunty and im transforming slowly.
Oh to work this thing?
Walk walk walk...till my kaki injured
Hi, Shaun.. Erm i tink tis msg is in the wrong place... When can the video b delivered? thx.. Have fun ther.. HAHA~~
lol plz..steady..i can c ur oi-ness tru the chat in msn..haha..tomorrow i think tat u?ti_mo?lol...u go sign up a blog juz 2 ask shaun tis thing..u're funny~lol.....well....erm..i think u wil start blogging like shaun if u reach kl..n the line at kl very down.....lolz
hey...shaun...ur blog rili funny....n it make me...LOL...
Lol.. Sry, Siaunee.. too sien at home.. Haha.. Yea, coz tis Local.. of coz.. it's like 1 in a million.. Hope u understand Shaun.. Haha.. is food and mouth disease... and the passport u wont be that lucky next time...pls keep it with u at all time...
next time teach u how to pick vege... and potato too... the meat leh...also got different part de... learn as you grow old... XD
walao. i like this blog. haha..
that's why. guys oso need to learn how to do the groceries. as.. they someday girls MAY be the one who bring home the bacon. hey its true =P
anyway. hope u're doing good there. =)
haha..i like ur blog too ma..siaunee say u r the blog queen wer, n i think tats true..MiSs ChOcOHoLiC =)
yea mayb u r this is a perfect time for me to learn how 2 b a "househusband"..but i'll nvr eat soft rice even im poor..haha..btw thx for the wish n good luck on ur study
she did? haha.. i dont know about that. btw i dont know if she's still reading my blog these days. cz u guys seldom gimme comment. T.T
ya lo. good to learn about buying groceries. very useful in the future. ^^
and hey!! i really wanna complain bout ralph liao. msn saw him onl9 msg him oso wont rep. then i heard that u know liew yong shen? he says that ralph owez nudge him ask him go cx wa.. zZz.. but he cant even rep me. T.T
haha. sry to always include him.
haha nvm u include him everytime..aiya mayb he is busy at tat time or he is shy to reply pretty gals..hoho..actually is easy..just ask liew when they r goin cx..and u join up..u can meet raph then..some guy dont like chatting in msn..they wan face to face conversation
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