Wednesday, March 7, 2012

To my dearest friend...

Dear pen yiu, 

You're always there when I'm happy
You're always there when I'm sad
You're always there when I'm stress
You're always there when I'm lonely

I'll be missing you when I'm doing assignment
I'll be missing you when I'm full
I'll be missing you when I'm OC-ing
I'll be missing you when I'm drunk

Although we have only known each other for 3 years, it's heart breaking to leave you now. Finally, I hope that we'll never meet again.....ever....

Okay maybe once in a while...

Monday, February 20, 2012


So i woke up early today, turn on my laptop and pressed the hasnotbeenpressedforayear button..yeah my blog. Reminded me of some good times after reading few posts and hey..i think i should keep my blog alive. People always ask why the hell do i even write blog, well i personally think its gonna be so awesome if i read what i've 10 years later.  This is just a short post to warm my blog up..i'll be back when i come up with something in my mind.